Pastor Melissa Scott on Roku

You don't have to stay up late at night to watch Pastor Scott.

Listen to the teachings of Pastor Melissa Scott 24/7 on your TV with a Roku device. Combine your current television with any standard internet connection, download Pastor Scott's Roku app and listen to the teaching. It's God's word, rightly divided any time of the day or night.

  • Download Pastor Scott's free Roku app from the Roku Store. Need help? Follow these easy step-by-step instructions.

What is Roku?

  • Roku plays Internet broadcasts on your TV.
  • No computer is needed to operate a Roku, but you do need a connection to the Internet.
  • Call your local cable company to get online.
  • Once you have your Roku set up, you can watch several channels that come pre-installed.
  • You need Pastor Scott's Roku application. Look for this logo:

Visit Pastor Scott's website to watch 24 hours a day, including live Sunday Services and Festivals of Faith.